Physical Education & Health in Years 3 to 6

Updated October 2021

Year 3

In Physical Education this semester, students performed various activities. These activities include; striking, fielding, minor games and novelty events. Students where encouraged to work in teams and also understand the bases of fair play and good sportsmanship. Students also used specific vocabulary to describe movements and were regularly encouraged to learn muscle groups and their location on the body. Specifically in Term Two, students practiced team sports and activities to help encourage a greater understanding of how sports are played in a professional game setting. Students were stimulated to use strategic thinking and work with peers to enhance communication, leadership, teamwork and performance. Students performed skills in activities and in different playing surfaces and environments. These included; indoor, grass, and asphalt. This provided grade 3 students with an opportunity to adapt to different surfaces and conditions. Students were assessed on participation and on their understanding of, techniques, and their ability to adapt to skill based learning of fundamental motor skills.

Year 4

In Physical Education this semester, students performed novelty activities that encompassed practice of various movement skills, in particular throwing, running and two-handed striking. Students where encourage to work in teams and also understand the bases of fair play and good sportsmanship. During Term Two, students worked in team sports such as; football and basketball, where they progressed from basic ball control and handling, to passing and gameplay. Students were assessed on participation and on their response to feedback, as well as their effort, teamwork and fair play.